Welcome to Sheffield Park Academy

I am delighted to welcome you to our academy website. My name is Brendan Hesketh and I am honoured to be the Principal of Sheffield Park Academy.
Our goal is for every single young person in our care to experience a world-class education. This means we want every student to achieve the best qualifications, develop character through new experiences, take on responsibilities through leadership opportunities and to learn to look after their mental and physical well-being. Ultimately, we want every student to be safe and happy at all times and to achieve as part of their preparation for success in adult life.
We are a values driven academy and expect all members of our community to embody our core values of ambition, knowledge and determination. These values are underpinned by a culture of leadership at all levels. We are on a journey to become the best school in Sheffield with a vision to create Sheffield’s influential young leaders of tomorrow who achieve more than society might ever expect them to achieve.
We have very high standards in everything that we do. Leaders should always lead by example and we make no apology for our high expectations for attendance, punctuality and completion of work. We insist on excellent uniform and disruption-free learning in the classroom. Students should behave exceptionally well and show respect for all members of our community at all times.
Over the last 3 years, the achievement of our students is above those with similar starting points and our provision at KS5 has resulted in an increasing number of students attending the country’s most prestigious universities.
Whilst academic success is incredibly important, at Sheffield Park Academy we believe that there is more to a great education. As well as ensuring our students succeed in exams, we aim to develop character. We are incredibly proud to deliver an education which challenges, inspires and excites our students and helps prepare them for a successful future.
We also benefit hugely from being part of the United Learning group, the largest Academy Trust in the UK with a proven track record of very high standards and continuous improvement.
If you are ambitious for your child and want them to learn in a calm and orderly environment based on high expectations and values driven character education, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your interest and I look forward to welcoming you to our wonderful school.