About us

The Principal of Sheffield Park Academy is Mr Hesketh.

He is supported by:    

  • Mr Segalini - Executive Consultant 
  • Mr Burdett - Vice Principal: Quality of Education and Whole School Self Evaluation
  • Mrs Munro - Vice Principal: Performance
  • Mrs Peagram - Assistant Principal
  • Mrs El-Hakam – Assistant Principal
  • Mrs Faulkner – Assistant Principal
  • Miss Fernande – Assistant Principal
  • Mr Nixon - Assistant Principal
  • Mrs Griffiths - Assistant Principal
  • Miss Mills - Senior Leader: Safeguarding & Pastoral Support


Sheffield Park Academy is a high performing 11 – 18 school with almost 1,200 students, housed in a purpose-built £30 million building with excellent technology, arts and sports facilities. We also have a dedicated VI Form, catering for up to 150 students, which delivers a wide range of academic and vocational courses. 

Our academy is part of United Learning, a national group of schools which is united by a shared commitment to bring out ‘the best in everyone’. In this, we benefit significantly from opportunities to collaborate within Sheffield and across the country – from enrichment, academic and university access initiatives for students, to staff professional development and support. 


We are very pleased that, in an inspection in December 2022, Ofsted inspectors confirmed that we continue to be a ‘Good’ school. In their report, they praised a range of aspects of the academy, including the following:


Leaders are ambitious for all pupils to achieve highly.”

"Pupils enjoy coming to this school. They feel at home in its respectful and kind culture..”

“This is a school where staff care for pupils and are determined that they will succeed.”

“Pupils are proud of the school. They behave well in lessons and around the school..”




Ofsted also praised our VI Form provision, stating: 

“Sixth-form students act as positive role models for younger pupils.”

“Students in the sixth form display mature attitudes and are confident and articulate."


"Leaders are increasingly ambitious for sixth-form students.”

Education with Character

Whilst academic success is very important, at Sheffield Park Academy we believe that there is more to a good education.  As well as ensuring our students succeed in exams, we aim to develop character, compassion and service.  Throughout their time with us, students are expected to contribute to our school community and to society.  We want students to try things they cannot do, to persist in the face of difficulty and to become resilient in overcoming obstacles.


With this in mind, we provide a breadth of opportunities and experiences which seek to help our students become confident, well-rounded and ambitious young adults.  Our curriculum and enrichment programme is overflowing with opportunities to try something new and develop new skills.  In addition to our very wide range of extracurricular clubs, our students enjoy a diverse range of trips, university visits, talks by inspirational speakers from the worlds of medicine, law and business as well as countless opportunities to collaborate with their peers at United Learning schools across the country.


We are incredibly proud to deliver an Education with Character; an education which challenges, inspires and excites our students and prepares them for the ups and downs of life.

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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