The PPEs are the second and third weeks back after half term, starting 6th November, however the French speaking mocks are the week before - you will get an individual date and time if you study French.

There will be musters in the main hall before most exams where you will prepare for the exam regulations and make sure you know your seat number. I will communicate more about this next week and throughout PPE1.
It is extremely important that we run these PPEs as closely to the real exams you will sit in May and June as possible so that you are familiar with what you will need to do and understand the exam conditions which will be imposed in the summer.
Good quality revision will see you succeed in these exams - you should plan revision slots in advance in your own time and not just rely on lessons. You should try to ensure you have finished your revision in time to get a good night's sleep before the exams - last minute cramming is not as effective as well spaced revision.
If you have any questions about the exam timetable and expectations of you please speak to me or Mrs Munro or Mr Nixon.
Have a good half term but use the time wisely to revise as well as resting.
Mrs Stiles