Year 9 Options - PE & HSC
You have spent 3 years with us learning new practical skills across different sports. You have also had the opportunity to develop your leadership skills and work as part of a team. You have learnt about how the body changes during the exercise and importance of leading a healthy active lifestyle. We would love you to carry on this journey with us through KS4 and KS5. If you choose BTEC Sport you will study the following units:
One unit is assessed in an examination
Unit 1 Fitness for sport and exercise
For this exam you will be taught about the different methods of training to develop your fitness and the different types of testing you can you use. Additionally, you will learn about the different components of fitness as well as learning about how your heart rate changes during exercise.
Three units are assessed through controlled assessment, these are:
Unit 2 Practical Sport
For this unit you will take part in 2 sports demonstrating your technical ability and your knowledge of the rules and tactics used in these 2 sports. You will then analyse your own performance identifying your strengths and weaknesses and how you would improve these in the future.
Unit 3 Personal fitness training
For this unit you will design and take part in a 6 week fitness training program. You will choose a sport that you want to improve and then spend 6 weeks working on improving for this sport.
Unit 6 Sports Leadership
For this unit you will learn about what makes a successful leader. You will then plan and deliver two lessons for two different sports to others. There is an opportunity to gain a leadership qualification from this unit.
All the skills and knowledge from KS3 will prepare you to succeed in KS4 for all these units above.
Learning Journey
This is a popular course that provides a numerous amount of different career paths in the health and social care sector. On this course you would learn about:
One unit is assessed in an examination
R021 - Essential values of care for use with individuals in care settings
For this exam, you will be taught about the different care values that any Health and social care worker needs to stick to, to provide a high level of care to their patients. You will also be taught about the different personal hygiene and safety measures that a medical professional needs to use to perform their jobs safely.
Three units are assessed through controlled assessment, these are:
R022- Communication
In this unit you will research various different communication techniques such as sign language & computer aided speech to understand how others people may struggle to communicate their needs
R025 – Understanding life stages
In this unit, you will learn how a person develops from a child to an adult. You will also learn about different diseases and illnesses and what the symptoms and treatments are.
R031 – First aid
In this unit, you will be taught the correct procedures when carrying out first aid and when arriving at a hazardous scene. You will be taught how to successfully perform CPR, place someone in the recover position, treat burns and much more.
The knowledge and practical skills you will develop on this course will prepare you for KS5 and a career in the HSC sector.
Learning Journey