Y12/13 Careers Support:
Every student in year 12 and 13 are entitled to careers support, whether that be one-to-one support meetings with your form tutors, VI form team or the careers advisor. Students will have the opportunity to visit universities, attend subject taster days, frequent assemblies with guest speakers based on future decisions and where possible be given opportunities to sign up for work experience.
Please note: Work Experience is dependent on the employer's availability to the time of year this can happen.
Post 18 options:

More information regarding post 18 options can be found here:
Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS) is an online portal in which your student will have access to in Year 12 and 13. UCAS provides information, advice and guidance to inspire and facilitate educational progression to university, college or a degree apprenticeship. Students will make applications through this portal during their time in year 13. Please see attached link to access the UCAS 2024 parental guide for advice and support.
Advice on choosing subjects:
It’s perfectly normal to not know what career you may want to pursue post 18 so we would advise that you pick A Levels or Vocational subjects that:
You are good at/enjoy: It is always best to pick subjects that you are good at, and you enjoy as you want to achieve the best grades you can.
Subject Combination: It is best to try and link your subject combinations for example if you are taking a Science A Level it is probably best taking another Science subject and Math's to go alongside this.
Overview/content of subject: It is best to read the course overview before selecting your A Levels/Vocational subjects as this should allow you to know if this is the right course for you to take.
If you already know what you want to study at university, it does put you in a good position, however we strongly advise you check the entry requirements for the chosen course to ensure you are taking the correct A Levels as some universities will list a preferred list of A Level subjects you should have taken. For example, if you want to go into a specific subject area such as Law, Medicine, Architecture, Engineering or Veterinary Science you will all need specific qualifications.
Please note: You must also check the GCSE entry requirements as even if you have gained good grades in your subjects at A Level or vocational some universities require a set GCSE level to enter their courses.
Key links to additional CAEIG information and support
There is a vast array of resources and information to help support students when it comes to making choices. Please see below various links of support.
Informed Choices | Informed Choices